Welcome to the private Studienkolleg Vladi!

You would like to study in Germany? For this you need a successfully passed assessment test.

We know the topics and the required literature – We have numerous exercises and sample tasks – We have experienced teachers.

Our goal is to make it easier for you to prepare for the external assessment test (FSP).

The winter semester 2024/25 started on 15.08.24.

All courses take place in online-live format.

Registrations are still possible on request.

Register now for the courses


  • T-Course 3.300 €
  • W-Course 3.400 €
  • M-Course 3.500 €

Registration fee 300 €

What do we offer?


Preparation for a degree in
math, science or

Subjects: German, math, physics,

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Preparation for a degree in
science, biology or

Subjects: German, math, physics,
chemistry, biology

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Preparation for a degree in economics, business administration, social sciences, political science.

Subjects: German, business math, english, Economics

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Preparation for the entrance examination to the state Studienkolleg

Subjects: Maths and / or German

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Congratulations to all our students who have successfully passed the Feststellungsprüfung! We wish you all a lot of fun studying in Germany!

Maria Gorskina Technical University of Munich, course of studies: Physics

Ayoub El Founti Hamburg University of Technology, course of study: General Engineering Sciences

Ben Grigori University of Applied Science Stuttgart, Study Program: Business Informatics

Lisa Mikhina University of Mannheim, Course of studies: Business Administration

Artur Ageev University of Nuremberg, Course of studies: Applied Chemistry

Isabella Mello University of Marburg
Course of studies: Chemistry

Feedback of our students

We thank our students very much for their feedback and wish them good luck in their future life.

Often asked questions
