Welcome to the private Studienkolleg Vladi!

You would like to study in Germany? For this you need a successfully passed assessment test.

We know the topics and the required literature – We have numerous exercises and sample tasks – We have experienced teachers.

Our goal is to make it easier for you to prepare for the external assessment test (FSP).

The summer semester 2025 started on 20.02.25.

All courses take place in online-live format.

Registration for the courses is still possible on request.

Register now for the courses


  • T-Course 3.300 €
  • W-Course 3.400 €
  • M-Course 3.500 €

Registration fee 300 €.

What do we offer?


Preparation for a degree in
math, science or

Subjects: German, math, physics,

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Preparation for a degree in
science, biology or

Subjects: German, math, physics,
chemistry, biology

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Preparation for a degree in economics, business administration, social sciences, political science.

Subjects: German, business math, english, Economics

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Preparation for the entrance examination to the state Studienkolleg

Subjects: Maths and / or German

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Congratulations to all our students who have successfully passed the Feststellungsprüfung! We wish you all a lot of fun studying in Germany!

Bergmuhammet Atayev Christian Alberts Universität, Kiel, Medicine

Maria Gorskina Technical University of Munich, course of studies: Physics

Ayoub El Founti Hamburg University of Technology, course of study: General Engineering Sciences

Ben Grigori University of Applied Science Stuttgart, Study Program: Business Informatics

Lisa Mikhina University of Mannheim, Course of studies: Business Administration

Artur Ageev University of Nuremberg, Course of studies: Applied Chemistry

Isabella Mello University of Marburg
Course of studies: Chemistry

Feedback of our students

We thank our students very much for their feedback and wish them good luck in their future life.

Often asked questions
